Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
washing or playing???
he enjoys playing with the bubbles!!!
today is 冬至...
搓汤圆with 小玲姑姑。。。 got scolding all the way!!! gek gek gek!!! well, in Singapore during 冬至 we will 搓汤圆 and all at home will eat... hahaha...bascially, 汤圆 comes in 2 color... red & white and you need to boiled it to cooked and add in sugar for the sweetness and if possible add in panda leaves for its flavour most importantly GINGER!!!
all ready for P1
baby school- opposite where we stay...
this pic was taken from the living room
卍慈学校- 恭宽信敏
A Holistic Education That Brings Out The Best In Every Child.
To develop our pupils to be independent learners,
creative thinkers and effective communicators with
a strong sense of social responsibility.
In Red Swastika,
we believe that each and every child is unique and different.
Each child possesses latent talents and has different needs.
The school will direct its resources and energy to maximize
every child's potential to the fullest and
provide equal opportunities for all.
PM SESSION P1 School functions from 12.55pm - 6.20pm
PM SESSION P1 School functions from 12.55pm - 6.20pm
(Monday - Friday)
All PM pupils should report to school at 12.30pm
for the Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR)
or National Education (NE) Activities.
Recess Time1st Recess: Pr 1 (2.55pm - 3.20pm)
SWISSFLEX... why so expensive leh???
the price... SGD$300 plus plus...
can u imagine that just a pair of glasses for a P1 boy?
btw... 玲玲 gugu needs a pair long-sightedness glasses ASAP... :o(
Hyperopia is a sight problem that affects your ability
to see close-up objects.
Commonly known as long-sightedness,
the condition is a type of focusing error and
tends to get worse as you get older.
Sight problems are very common,
Sight problems are very common,
and many people are either long or short-sighted.
The percentage of people with hyperopia increases with age.
A study has shown that 13.2% of people who are
between 20 and 25 years of age have hyperopia.
This increases to 17.4% for people who are
between 40 and 45 years of age.
Many children are born with mild hyperopia,
Many children are born with mild hyperopia,
which normally resolves itself as they grow older
and their eyes develop.
It is thought that some cases of hyperopia
It is thought that some cases of hyperopia
may be inherited (run in families).
A gene has been identified that causes a very rare
form of extreme hyperopia.
However, further research is needed into the possible
genetic causes of the more common types of hyperopia.
Hyperopia can be easily corrected with glasses,
Hyperopia can be easily corrected with glasses,
contact lenses or corrective surgery.
Laser surgery is an increasingly popular option,
but is not suitable for everyone.
this school bag cost SGD$96.80
oh man! so expensive! 小玲姑姑 bought this bag ( for P1 ) for baby and cost her SGD$96.80 and a matching pencil case @ SGD$13.10... grand total of... SGD$109.90
fyi--- Brand IMAPACT- Ergo-Comfort Spinal Support Backpacks Firm Support Comfort Light Weight
in short... IMPACT is ergonomically designed and built to best fit a student's back and spine area etc. etc. etc.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
a lad? hahaha... he makes me laugh!!!
l'm a lad!... you know? a lad!!!
lingling: hahaha... a lad??? oh my god!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
video- happy birthday小玲姑姑
Happy Birthday 小玲姑姑
wish you a great Birthday in Australia
enjoy your Birthday with all your friends too!
Monday, August 18, 2008
composition by baby
All my friends will be there.
I will get him a remote control car.
I will have ice- cream and cup cakes.
We will play fly aeroplanes and boardgames.
I get it from Parkway Parade.
It have a lot of games.
I hope Jet Wei will play it during school holidays.
He will be very happy.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
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